Lowell FFA Successful at State Convention
Haleigh Stickney, Charlie Lyons, Melanie Swanson and Madilynne Morgensen earned the State FFA Degree at the Michigan FFA State Conveniton.
Submitted by Kevin Nugent || Lowell FFA Advisor
The Lowell FFA completed a successful trip to the Michigan FFA State Convention, February 28 through March 1. Eleven members from Lowell traveled to Michigan State University to receive awards or compete in state-level competitions.
Two members represented Lowell in the State FFA Leadership contests. The leadership contests are designed to help the students build teamwork and communication skills in order to make them better leaders and more prepared for the future. In order to qualify for the state contests, members first had to advance through district and regional contests, finishing in the top two at each level. Lowell had 23 members compete at the district level, 13 advanced to regionals, and two compete at the state contests.
Makenzie Bender and Lillian Schut both competed in the Jr. High Public Speaking contest. In this contest, 7th and 8th grade FFA members write and present a speech on an agricultural topic of their choice. Both members from Lowell are currently 7th graders. Bender received a Silver Award for her speech on Equine Cushing disease. Schut presented a speech on the problems and solutions for livestock exhibitors at shows with chlorinated water. Schut was named the State Runner-up and received a 2nd-place Gold Award.
In addition to the Leadership Contests, individual members were recognized in other award areas.
In the State Proficiency Awards, Madilynne Morgensen was named the State winner in the area of Agricultural Sales and Service. The Proficiency Awards recognize students that have outstanding Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE). Morgensen completed the award application, detailing the work she does at Heidi’s Farm Stand. After working at Heidi’s for several years, Madie’s responsibilities have grown from working the corn maze to opening and closing the store. Melanie Swanson also received a Proficiency Award in the Agricultural Processing area for her work helping with her family’s maple syrup production. She received a Silver Award for her work.
Four members from the Lowell Chapter received their State FFA Degree. The State FFA Degree is the highest award that the State Association can bestow upon one of its members and is typically awarded during the member’s senior year. Of the over 8,000 members in the Michigan FFA, only around 400 were chosen to receive this award. The Lowell FFA members that received the award were Charlie Lyons, Madilynne Morgensen, Haleigh Stickney, and Melanie Swanson.
In order to be considered for the State Degree, students have to show that they have worked on a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) and have been active in the FFA. A student’s SAE project combines the information learned in the agriscience classes with the leadership experiences in the FFA. The SAE is tailored to the student’s interests in agriculture. These projects can range from fair animals, to jobs, to community service activities. In order to qualify for the State Degree, the student has to document that they have either earned $2000 from their project, spent at least 450 hours on the project, or a combination of the two.
The Outstanding Junior award was given to three junior year students from Lowell. The requirements for the Outstanding Junior Award are similar to the State Degree but with lower numbers. Receiving the award from Lowell were Ella Acheson, James Albert, and Gracie Gasper.
Frankie Eddy, Gracie Gasper and Hannah Minier represented Lowell as voting delegates. While serving as delegates, they were able to travel to the State Capitol, vote on constitutional amendments, and elect the members that will serve as the 2024-25 State FFA Officers.
The Michigan FFA Association is a statewide youth organization of over 8,000 student members, as part of 120 local FFA chapters. The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. The Michigan FFA Association operates as a state affiliate under the federally chartered National FFA Organization. The Lowell FFA Chapter has over 130 members in grades 7-12.