Local journalism spanning three centuries.
The Lowell Ledger is Lowell's hometown newspaper, the Buyers Guide & News is a ''shoppers guide'', and Lowell Litho offers a full service print shop.
As local newspapers fight for relevancy in a digital age, the Ledger has been a staple of Lowell for over 130 years, and we look forward to the next 130 years and beyond. At over 2,800 subscribers, we’re still going strong because we maintain a level of focus on the Lowell area that larger newspapers are no longer able to do.
From local politics, to sports, the latest in area businesses, classifieds, fun stories, and serious stories, we do it all because of the passionate people behind our paper. We’re local Lowellians and we love our town. That’s why we put the utmost care into all of our stories. From our humble beginnings in 1893, our tagline was “With Malice Towards None and Charity for All”, an homage to Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address.
Since the 1890’s, the World has changed, but we have stayed true to our humble beginnings. Local news is best in the hands of local reporters. We’re on the ground waiting to tell the next great story here in the Next Place to Be.