Lowell Area Schools News
The Ledger is committed to covering Lowell school events as we have for the past 130 years. We believe every program, club, and student, deserves their time in the spotlight. From sports which are covered in our sports section, to other activities covered here like FFA, Musical, Orchestra, Band, Choir, Clubs, Arts, Teacher and Student Interest Stories, and District News. This will be covered through articles from our dedicated community reporters and through our podcasts, made possible by WRWW. - Justin Scott, Lowell Ledger School News Reporter.
Lowell seniors Ben Vonderheide, Conner Casarez, and Max Wasilew joined the podcast studio at WRWW in early February to talk about the upcoming Lowell High School musical Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Last year, three of our LINKS students, Haleigh Stickney, Katey Rogers and Caden Cone, were discussing other UNIFIED teams at area high schools.
“Our number one priority is student learning,” VanderMeulen said. “What we do know is that if students feel like they belong and have a place in school, then learning increases.”
“The most fun part of the show was teaching the little kids the up on the house top dance and seeing how happy they were performing it onstage.”
Aspects like light, temperature, dust and time can significantly affect the print and could cause it to turn out blank," added Bandos.
For nearly 100 years, the Lowell High School Marching Band has taken the field during football games, entertaining fans, and adding to the atmosphere we’ve all known and loved for as long as we can remember.
On the corner of Whinnery and Covered Bridge Road, there was a fence post surrounded by big trees that lasted until 2010. But the main attractions on this tour were yet to come.
Brant Tiede, Treasurer, said, “I just enjoy volunteering and doing acts of service. I think it’s really fun to go out, and do little things to help people, with my friends.
Recent Coverage
The Ledger went all in for our 2024 Musical coverage this year including podcasts, pictures, and interviews with students and staff.
Interview with Superintendent Nate Fowler on the upcoming school bond proposal.
Upcoming Coverage
Exchange Student Program
Music Programs
Graduation 2024
Got a story? Email us! lowellledger@gmail.com