Lowell Charter Township Board alters no-alcohol park policy
By Cynthia Beach - Contributing Writer
The Lowell Charter Township Board now permits alcohol to be served at local parks, but only at township events. During its February 18 meeting, the board approved this change with limiting language.
The resolution language tightens the events to Township “operated, run, or sponsored events” and explicitly names “possession, use, sale, and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages.” This means residents are not permitted to bring their own alcohol to Lowell parks.
In a Jan. 20 email, Supervisor Jerry Hale explained this new policy’s benefit. “The reason for considering this change,” he said, “is so that we can sponsor fundraising events for the benefit of our park system.”
Renewable energy ordinances
Another key meeting item was a renewable energy report from Dave Simmonds, the chair of the Planning Committee, an appointed group that examines zoning and other policies. He informed the board about new legislation and suggested a policy framework to guide large renewable energy facilities into township spaces.
“I’m here to tell you what’s coming down the path for you for large scale facilities - also called ‘utility scale’ - in solar, wind, and energy storage,” he said, clarifying that he meant “power stations and solar farms - not a resident’s two solar panels.”
Michigan legislature PA 233-234, he said, deals with zoning and siting issues around large renewable energy facilities and appears to shift control from townships to the State. A MichiganTownship.org article “Renewable energy in Michigan: Many questions remain” noted, “The new laws replace local control with a state-controlled statutory framework and grant new siting authority over these facilities to the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC).”
The Township may use one of three ordinances in navigating a relationship with a renewable energy facility, Simmonds explained. The first two ordinances, the MPSC and the Compatible Renewable Energy Ordinance (CREO), limit township control. Only the final option, the Workable Ordinance, allows the Township some control.
Simmonds says he’ll be recommending a Workable Ordinance. “This allows the Township some discretion in applying the ordinance requirements, such as landscaping and buffering the site.” He added, “There may be some financial benefits, but it’s still a little fuzzy.”
A final benefit of using a Workable Ordinance is that “many developers prefer it because it’s faster.”
On Monday, March 10, the Planning Committee will hold a Public Hearing at 7 p.m. at the Lowell Township Building, 2910 Alden Nash SE. The application of the PA 233-234 legislature began on November 29, 2024.
Township staff raises and employment policy changes
Raises, starting April 1, were approved for three board members: Township Supervisor Jerry Hale, $1,258.41; Clerk Monica Burtt, $1,290.40; and Treasurer Ronda Benedict, $1,290.40. These amounts are a yearly increase amount.
Deputy Clerk Hannah Wright submitted a memorandum “Policy Updates to Vacation and Sick Time Provisions,” which underscored key changes in handling vacation days and sick days. The changes include allocating vacation hours at start of year, if the employee has worked three months and dealing with employees hired in October or later. An unchanged policy keeps unused vacation time being paid at year end.
Wright explained in her memorandum that “The primary reason for updating the township’s employee policy regarding vacation and sick time is compliance with the Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA), which requires employers to provide paid sick time accruals at a minimum rate of 1 hour for every 30 hours worked.”
ESTA is from a Michigan Supreme Court decision and is effective starting Feb. 21. According to ASE.org, “The Earned Sick Time Act covers all employers. Employers that have 10 employees or less must provide 40 hours of paid time off per year and up to an additional 32 hours of unpaid time off, while employers with 10 employees or more must provide 72 hours of paid earned sick leave per year.”
In other matters, Township trustee Carl Blough expressed concern about the fire department budget, alluding to the expected hire of an admin. assistant at $40,000 a year. “I want to stick up for them. They need it.”
A bid for road repairs was tabled until the March meeting. The bid received positive comments from the board. Hale explained, “We’ll have no more roads in really bad shape.” However, the board agreed to settle the bid next month when it has more information about competing budget needs.
Township trustee Mark Anderson announced that a trail will be completed this summer from the North Riverfront Park to the old fairgrounds.
The Lowell Township Board is the governing board for municipal matters. In attendance were the full board: Carl Blough, Andy Vander Ziel, William Thompson, Jerry Hale, Mark Anderson, Ronda Benedict, and Monica Burtt. The next board meeting is on March 17 at 7 p.m. at the Lowell Township building.