Black Box Theatre Coming to LPAC
Cast Members of Dystopia! The Hungry Maze Game of Divergent Death
Justin Scott, School News
As the Class of 2024 looks ahead to Graduation, those involved with the LHS Theatre program are preparing for their last show as Red Arrows. Black Box is a student directed play that is typically run by a few members of the senior class.
This usually smaller play allows students that typically don’t go on stage, like for example, someone who’s usually backstage on crew, to get a role in the play and get to experience the other side of theater. This year’s play is called Dystopia! The Hungry Maze Game of Divergent Death and is being directed by students Faith VanDuinen and Kai Bredwell.
“It’s a very small play that is meant for students just to have fun with it and enjoy their time there,” said VanDuinen who starred as Mrs. Potts during this year’s Beauty and the Beast musical.
It features a minimalistic set, ideal for the shorter play. Based on the novel by Dan Zolidis, the summary of the play reads: “Trapped against their will in a dystopian future, a group of teens must battle against emotionally sensitive guards, limited budgets, and the trigger-happy Gamemaster to be proclaimed the winner. When the odds are this absurdly bleak, it seems certain that only the main character will make it out alive -- but first the contestants must decide who the main character is. A bloodthirsty send-up of reality TV and young adult fiction.”
The cost is free, students would certainly appreciate your donations at the door of course.
As VanDuinen mentioned, some crew members from Beauty and the Beast will be performing as actors. One of those is Sam Konyndyk who was in one of our Ledger podcasts on Musical this past year. Hayden Gough, who starred as Beast in this year’s musical will go backstage among others doing the same. Full cast list can be found below. Show dates are May 10th at 7:00 pm and May 11th at 11:00 am at the Lowell Performing Arts Center.
Gamemaster - Madilyn Dexter
Guard - Micah McDonald
Guard 2 - Neriah Peters
White - Q Gonzalez
Blue - Grace Valle *
Pink - Adelaide Plank *
Brown - Percy Wale *
Red - Sam Konyndyk *
Green - Morgan Saylor *
Magenta - Brandon Hofmann
Black - Claire Block *
Orange - Mattea Alexander *
Violet - Marley De Jong
Lavender - Claire Block *
Purple - Estella Garcia *
Mauve - Mattea Alexander *
Paisley - Grace Valle *
Gamemaster 2 - Percy Wale *
Fashion Sense - Estella Garcia *
Mr. Cuddles - Sam Konyndyk *
Origami - Adelaide Plank *
Beat Boxing - Morgan Saylor *
Judge 1 - Estella Garcia *
Judges 2 and 3 - Claire Block *
Showpeople - Adelaide Plank *
* - Casted more than once