Clay Target Feature Article (2023)
Members of the Clay Target Team Take Aim During Skeet.
Clay Target Team Takes on KCCL
Tucked away in the woods of Ada is the sprawling Kent County Conservation League, home of the KCCL Orange Crushers clay target team and a wide range of clay target sports as well as shooting and archery ranges. It's also where the Lowell Clay Target team found themselves a couple of weeks ago for the Conference Skeet and Sporting Clays Championships.
The team shot sporting clays in the morning before hitting up the open skeet fields in the afternoon.
Jacob Johnson had a big day hitting 87 of his sporting clays to take first overall, he took first in skeet as well with a 96 out of 100 hits.
There are several categories for participants including varsity, JV, intermediate advanced, and intermediate entry, which allows for athletes to compete with other athletes more in their skill range.
Blaine Knorr who competed in the intermediate entry group had a good day, only 5 targets away from 1st place individually both in sporting clays and skeet.
Isaac Johnson earned HOA honors, or high over all birds, and was only two targets off first place in skeet. David Johnston (Varsity) was only four off of first place.
In intermediate advanced, Anthony Richmond took 2nd in sporting clays and Eliott Newland took 4th.
Team Results provided by the program can be found below:
Varsity - 3rd and 4th place
JV - 2nd and 5th place
Intermediate Advanced - 1st place
Intermediate Entry - 3rd and 4th place
Skeet Results:
Varsity - 3rd and 5th place
JV - 1st and 6th place
Intermediate Advanced - 2nd place
Intermediate Entry - 2nd and 4th place